Sabtu, 30 November 2013



My Adolescence

I had my adolescence when I was thirteen.

It started with acne that showed up on my face. It was very annoying. It lowered my self-esteem and I was embarrassed to come out of my house and play with friends.
Fortunately, my Mum gave me a good medicine. In three weeks, the acnes started to vanish although those showed some black spots in my face.

That was my bad experience with adolescence, though there were still lots of good experience too.

Analisa :

Orientation : Paragraf pertama, (I had my adolescence when I was thirteen)
Events : Paragraf kedua dan ketiga, (start with acne that showed up on my face)
Reorientation : Paragraf keempat (acne is my bad experience in adolescence)

Masa remaja saya


Aku punya masa remaja saya ketika saya berusia tiga belas tahun.

Ini dimulai dengan jerawat yang muncul di wajah saya. Itu sangat menjengkelkan. Ini menurunkan harga diri saya dan saya merasa malu untuk keluar dari rumah saya dan bermain dengan teman-teman.
Untungnya, ibuku memberi saya obat yang baik. Dalam tiga minggu, jerawat mulai lenyap meskipun mereka menunjukkan beberapa bintik-bintik hitam di wajah saya.

Itu adalah pengalaman buruk dengan masa remaja, meskipun masih ada banyak pengalaman yang baik juga.


Orientasi: Paragraf pertama, (aku punya masa remaja saya ketika saya berumur tiga belas)
Acara: Paragraf kedua dan ketiga, (mulai dengan jerawat yang muncul di wajah saya)
Reorientasi: Paragraf keempat (jerawat adalah pengalaman buruk saya di masa remaja)

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013


I have a young brother his name is nanda erza dwi putra, Erza is vocation. 
he likes to eat snacks and drink the milk. straight hair, weight about 18 kg, brown skin, age 5 years. 
he is the most lazy when learning and that frequent daytime play together his friends bike.
date of birth 28 June 2000 at 15.00.
he followed the dolphins swimming club victorious in lumajang.
He likes cartoons spongeboob, shaun the sheep, timmy time, etc.